Friday, May 08, 2009

Schedule for Leader Training

Northern Training Institute, through Porterbrook Network in Sheffield UK has some great ideas on how to train and mobilize men for ministry.
Some of their ideas include:

A schedule of
  • Yearly: two residential weeks with intensive lectures, seminars, and occasional guest lecturers
  • Monthly: one day of seminars with students presenting papers for discussion and critique
  • Ongoing: guided reading
Those participating in the Institute are expected to set aside 10-15 hours a week (one day and evening or two days) in addition to the residential weeks.

Institute students opt to study with the Institute for one, two or three years:
  • biblical study year
  • doctrine and church history year
  • mission and ministry year
Institute students must be graduates (of any discipline) or have significant experience of gospel ministry. All applicants must be commended by their local church.

The institute is Reformed and evangelical, believing in the sovereign grace of God in salvation, the inerrancy of Scripture and substitutionary atonement and subscribes to a doctrinal basis of Affinty

The institue emphasises participation in a local church, and the integration of theology and practice

Thanks Andy for turning me on to this.
Now if we can only get Ryan Franchuk to pioneer this ministry in South Dakota.

1 comment:

Andy Wright said...

We'll have to keep working on Ryano.