Friday, June 05, 2009

Knowing and Enjoying God Part Five

You make known to me the path of life
in your presence there is fullness of joy
at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
-Psalm 16:11
Why is it of utmost importance to focus on teaching our people to glorify God and enjoy God in all that we do as pastors? Here are five reasons:

Reason five.

God is the reason behind all the work we do as pastors. We do not celebrate preaching, worship, counseling, conversion, or any other pastoral duty because preaching, etc. is good in and of itself, we celebrate it because in these God is made known, and by these we learn to delight in God. It's no good for God to be enjoyed and delighted in if it is only to be done privately, but our calling is to do so publicly before all the nations.

Psalm 16 ends with joy in God's presence and pleasures at His right hand, but they are joys and pleasures that are "made known." This is key. It is not enough to just teach and preach and worship according to the scriptures. We have as Christians and Churches had enough of talking about and describing God. So often this is where our ministries begin and end—talk.

What God reveals and makes known to us, in his word, is not just to be seen and described, but what God reveals to us is to be enjoyed by and delighted in by his creatures. Brain and heart. Flesh and bone.

If we haven't desired, hungered for, thirsted for, relished in, treasured, been blown away by God's glory, then we will find it more and more difficult to make known that glory for others.

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